Pet Peeve #034 – Stickers Residue

Whenever I buy something, I get really excited. Pens, bottles, storage boxes, makeup, etc, etc. You get the idea. And almost of all these little things have one of those annoying little stickers with the IBAN numbers or the suppliers' logo or some other nonsensical thing. And these stickers caused me great heartache. They don't come … Continue reading Pet Peeve #034 – Stickers Residue

Love Lessons 101: White Pants

I am just not a fan of it. White pants, on either gender, just screamed "I've Got Issues!" to me. Why would a sane person donned a white pants out in the dirty, dirty world? You might think it is brave. I think it is just plain ridiculous and dumb as fuck. You must be … Continue reading Love Lessons 101: White Pants